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Engineers Newsletters & Engineers Newsletters Live!

Trane Engineers Newsletters are topical, informative articles that provide engineering professionals who design HVAC systems with reliable, objective, and technologically current information in a non-commercial format.


For over 50 years, these newsletters have been published by Trane Applications Engineering group to aid engineers in the design and application of HVAC systems. Subjects range from acoustics to water piping to interpretation of ASHRAE standards. These newsletters have become a trusted technical resource, with a current circulation of more than 40,000.

Read the latest Trane Engineers Newsletter

Electrical Power Quality for HVAC Equipment

Users, installers, and engineers prefer to connect HVAC system components to the power source and never have to worry about it again. However, issues such as lightning strikes, ground fault events, or even overvoltage trips can occur, resulting in collateral damage to the HVAC equipment.

This EN provides readers with an understanding of how to conduct a power quality analysis and provide options to make equipment more resilient when impacted by electrical transients.

Subscribe to the Trane Engineers Newletter

Engineers Newsletter LIVE!

Trane Engineers Newsletter LIVE programs are technical, in-depth 60-minute programs covering the topics listed below. Many are available on-demand, free of charge for continuing education credit.


Data Center: Mission Critical Design
This program focuses on the efficient and reliable design of mission-critical data center applications, emphasizing best practices for plant design. Key topics include optimal layout configurations, the implementation of free cooling strategies, and the accommodation of varying temperature requirements. Additionally, the program will explore advanced cooling technologies, specifically air-cooled systems and liquid immersion cooling, tailored for high-tech computing environments. Contact your local Trane office to attend in person or view on-demand.

View the program on-demand

Watch On Demand

Did you miss the live viewing of a previous ENL? Visit our Trane Engineers Newsletter LIVE program library to view previous programs on a wide variety of technical topics. Many include additional resource materials and are available on-demand and free of charge for continuing education credit.

Engineers Newsletter

Many of our past Engineers Newsletters can be found in the various topic sections below.



Engineers Week: Professional Development

Learn how we’re supporting the professional development of Trane engineers through education and training, mentoring and networking, and diversity and inclusion.