TRACE® 3D Plus Version 3 is the newest release for this next generation building design and analysis software program. It delivers faster, more accurate results through a seamless workflow that closely aligns with today's building process.

The latest HVAC systems and controls can be modeled quickly, precisely and with the intricacies of today's many building applications. TRACE 3D Plus is built on the U.S. Department of Energy's EnergyPlus engine and enhanced with Trane's industry leading expertise to help designers validate and interpret projects with confidence and clarity. All of these new features plus a more robust support experience to get you up and running quickly. 

TRACE 3D Plus allows you to move from project plan to load design to energy and economic analysis all through the same project file and interface. Import 3D models directly from CAD using Green Building XML (gbXML), or import floor plans and trace over using the draw tools. Easily create and validate your architectural design and HVAC systems in 2D or 3D.

The Latest Version 3 Software Update is Here!

Our latest TRACE® 3D Plus Version 3 updates amp up the flexibility in building design and analysis, giving you the ability to work smarter and more collaboratively, but never harder.

Visit the Download section below to begin the v3.20.18 update, including:

New File Support - Open and run files from network locations

New Accelerated Report Preview Performance for Larger Files:
- Quick view option allows the user to view reports while they load rather than waiting for all reports to load completely
- 'Room' and 'Zone' filtering options for Loads by Component reports allows select data to be loaded rather than the entire model

Improved Skylights can be created as a percentage of the roof area making complex skylights much easier to create

Improved gbXML Importing including cases with upside down surfaces and discontiguous floor slabs

PLUS adjustments to load design reports to improve accuracy and clarity

Don't miss updates and improvements from EnergyPlus® version 9.4


High Performance 3D Modeling for Sustainability

Cloud Functionality Produces Significantly Faster Simulation

  • New Advanced analytic cloud features identify the most sensitive factors to focus on for significantly faster model refinement or calibration
  • New LEED v4 Summary report with table 1.4 – ensure your design meets the standard without tedious and error prone data extraction
  • Simultaneous calculation & comparison of up to 20 alternatives
  • Comprehensive energy modeling & economic analysis
  • Demonstrates best options for carbon, renewable energy & cost savings

Model Complex Buildings & Systems with Ease

Create Schedules Faster with Graphical Plotting and Drag-and-Drop Features

  • Multi-story, multi-level floors and detailed roofing systems capabilities
  • New Drag walls, vertices, and roof peaks to quickly modify your models or create complex roofs
  • New Adiabatic/thermal boundary tool streamlines the workflow for partial retrofit analysis or core and shell building models
  • Integrated equipment selection for true as-built model simulation
  • Intricate system and central plant designs
  • EnergyPlus™ engine drives and substantiates accuracy 

Visually Dynamic, Intuitive Workflows

Tons of Building Themes, Libraries and Templates to Choose From

  • New Standards wizard – automatically generate the most tedious aspects of ASHRAE 90.1 baseline creation for code compliance & performance
  • New Precision PDF import feature makes scaling floor plan images and getting them aligned easier than ever
  • Use pre-configured building themes and thousands of pre-loaded and scalable libraries and templates
  • View and validate architectural designs, HVAC systems in 2D and 3D views
  • Built-in intelligence prevents potential modeling mistakes
  • Schematically configure systems and plants easily with built-in systems validation and intelligenceUser interface designed for simplicity
  • Guided experience matches real world design practices  



Advanced Cloud Analytics

Ensure Greater Equipment Modeling Accuracy Leveraging the Cloud

  • Cloud functionality produces significantly faster simulation
  • Simultaneous calculation & comparison of up to 20 alternatives
  • Perform advanced, detailed sensitivity analysis
  • Continuing to leverage cloud capabilities for the future

Lean on World Class Support Teams

TRACE 3D Plus is sold as a Software as a Service (SaaS) package with annual license renewals. The world-class support that you have come to rely on is now more robust and offers even more ways to interact, including a searchable online knowledge database and in-depth online training. As always, it is backed by a team of support engineers to help you migrate to this new software program.

What our customers are saying...

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Downloads and Important Links

Trial Download

  • Release Date: 06/30/21 Size: 1.76 GB

Full Version

  • Release Date: 06/30/21 Size: 1.76 GB

