Meet Dan Whisler, Trane Educator in Residence

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With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the work you have done with your students this year. We know first-hand the time & energy it takes day-to-day working with students and we are honored to help support your efforts in engaging students with activities that have hopefully helped build real-world connections. In a world that is increasingly energy and data-focused, your work is helping to prepare future ready students. We appreciate you & the work you do!
We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize two BTU Crew teachers who have received national recognition for the energy & data-related work they are doing with their students. Both of these teachers have been engaging students in hands-on PBL and have had students involved in community & state-level presentations to share what they are learning, so it is exciting to see them recognized for their efforts!
First, Mrs. Christie Fouts, middle school STEM teacher at Beloit (KS) USD#273, was selected this spring for the 2024 Bob Thompson Excellence in Energy Education Award by The NEED Project. Mrs. Fouts will receive her award at the National Energy Educators Conference in Philadelphia in July[KK1] .
Then, in another recognition from The NEED Project, Mr. Adam Krug and a team of his students at Smoky Valley High School, USD#400 (Lindsborg, KS), have been selected for three awards in the 2024 Youth Awards Program:
Mr. Krug and his team of student leaders will be recognized next month at the 2024 NEED Project Youth Awards Conference in Washington D.C.
Congratulations to Mrs. Fouts, Mr. Krug, and to your students on these achievements! Safe travels and have fun on your trips this summer!
Best wishes for a smooth finish to your school year and for a relaxing & enjoyable summer. We will look forward to seeing you after Labor Day when we kick off another year of 2024-2025 school year of "Watt's in the News?".
Enjoy your summer!
BTU Crew Newsletter Volume #31: Where Does Our Electricity Come From?
BTU Crew Newsletter Volume #28: Reviewing the Big Picture
Watt's in the News
BTU Crew Newsletter Volume #31: Where Does Our Electricity Come From?
BTU Crew Newsletter Volume #28: Reviewing the Big Picture
BTU Crew Newsletter Volume #29: Taking the pulse of High Voltage Transmission Lines Taking the Pulse of High Voltage Transmission Lines