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Heat Pump Installers Near Me

5 Warning Signs It’s Time for Heat Pump Replacement

How do you know when your heat pump needs replacing? Your wallet, your comfort level, and the age of your heat pump can all send you warning signs that it’s time to replace your heat pump.

January 15, 2025

By Anne Fonda

Heat pump systems are highly efficient and offer a sustainable heating and cooling solution. But your heat pump won’t last forever. If you’re reading this, you’re already thinking about replacing your heat pump.

We’ve pulled together the top 5 signs that a new heat pump installation may be in your future.  

Sign #1: More frequent and more expensive repairs

If it seems like you’re scheduling HVAC repairs every year or even more than once a year, those costs can take a bite out of your budget. Common reasons to call for HVAC service include:

The average heat pump repair cost can range from $100-$3,000, depending on the problem, and if there is more than one issue. When the cost of fixing a heat pump rises to a certain level, you’re better off replacing the system. Refer to our Repair or Replace Guide for more information.

Sign #2: Old age

At what age should my heat pump be replaced? There is no set answer to that question. Don’t replace your heat pump if it’s working fine and repair costs are still manageable. On average, a heat pump will last 10 to 15 years or so.

That doesn’t mean you need to replace your heat pump as soon as it hits the double digits. It just means you need to be on the lookout for signs of trouble, including increased repairs and the rest of the issues listed below. But remember, most heat pumps will be out of warranty at 10 years, so repairs can become more expensive.

Sign #3: Strange smells and/or sounds

When it’s running properly, your heat pump should not emit any strange smells or sounds. The outdoor unit should hum, rather than screech, clang, or rattle. A musty smell may mean you have mold in your HVAC system, while a burning plastic smell indicates an electrical problem. In both scenarios, you should call your HVAC company.

Sign #4: Decreased comfort

If you notice that your heat pump doesn’t heat and cool as well as it used to, simple repairs may fix the problem. But if your system is older, all of the parts are wearing out, making the system work harder and making it more difficult to reach and maintain the right indoor temperature. It may be time to consider a new heat pump system to give you and your family the comfort you deserve.

Sign #5: Increased heating and cooling bills

As a heat pump ages, it becomes less efficient and can run longer, trying to reach your set temperature. If you notice higher heating and cooling bills without a rate hike from your electric company or a drastic change in temperatures, it may be time to opt for a more energy efficient system.

Heat pump technology has come a long way in the last 10 years. A new electric heat pump system will increase your comfort while lowering your energy bills if you plan it right.

Consider upgrading your entire HVAC system at one time

Unless your air handler or furnace is brand new, you may want to consider a new air source heat pump paired with a new indoor unit for a full system upgrade. A new matched system has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Increased energy efficiency – higher with a higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER2)
  • Potential for reduced energy costs
  • Increased comfort and control with smart technology
  • Qualified systems are eligible for federal tax credits
  • Qualified systems are eligible for heat pump rebates in some states
  • Qualified systems are eligible for utility company rebates in some areas
  • Full warranty coverage

Read our HVAC replacement guide before you set up any quotes so you’re better informed when one or more HVAC company representatives say you should replace the whole HVAC system.

And read about how HVAC financing works so you know how easy it is to pay for a new system. The cost of installing a heat pump and air handler will vary depending on the units you choose, efficiency ratings, labor costs, and many other factors.

Work with experienced HVAC contractors to get the best HVAC system for your home and your goals.

Get a free heat pump replacement quote

Recognizing the signs of a failing heat pump can help you avoid a complete breakdown. You should know that old heat pumps fail at the most inopportune times – during a heat wave or polar vortex. If you notice one or more of the above signs, start planning for heat pump replacement now.

Find one or more Trane dealers near you and gather multiple quotes. Don’t be surprised if one or more of them suggest replacing the air handler at the same time, or adding a furnace to convert to a dual-fuel system.

Review your options and decide how important energy efficiency, sustainability, increased comfort and control, and saving money on future energy bills are to you. Ask about how available tax credits and heat pump rebates can reduce your heat pump installation cost.

Not sure who to contact? Get some tips on how to choose the best HVAC contractor near you.

Anne Fonda, Content Writer


A Content Writer with Trane Technologies, Anne Fonda researches topics and writes for Trane® and associated residential HVAC brands. She works in collaboration with Trane Technologies subject matter experts, offering easy-to-understand, informative content on complex topics. Her goal is to help consumers make informed decisions on the products and services they need.

She has written for HVAC and other service provider websites for over 16 years. Before transitioning to web content writing, Anne had a 14-year stint as an award-winning journalist. She graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.

When she’s not working, Anne enjoys playing word games, reading, gardening, spending time with family, and visiting gardens and museums.

Expert review by Mark Woodruff, Senior Product Manager, Ducted Outdoor

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