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A woman changes her Trane smart thermostat from 77 degrees to 75 degrees.
Maintenance3min read

Summer Is No Time for an HVAC Emergency

We depend on our HVAC systems to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. But at one time or another, most homeowners will deal with a stressful HVAC emergency. With summer just around the corner, we’ve pulled together some tips on how to prevent a summer HVAC emergency and what to do if prevention is not enough.

March 8, 2024

It is during these stressful, yet important, moments that we are here for you — to serve with passion.  As a company, we prepare for emergencies and are here to help you make an informed choice for your home and to make sure you are up and running ASAP.  

From our homeowners to our independent dealers, we work hard to serve your needs by making it easy for our dealers. By providing them with the right information and products, combined with simple installation, they can serve your HVAC maintenance, repair, and installation needs.

Preventing a Summer HVAC Emergency

The best way to prevent a summer HVAC emergency and keep your house cool on the hottest summer days is to properly maintain your HVAC system. Whether you have a central air conditioner, a heat pump, or a ductless system providing cooling, they all need maintenance.

This includes:

  • Filter maintenance - replacing or cleaning the filter depending on your system.
  • Scheduling an AC tuneup. Regular maintenance by an HVAC professional will help spot little problems before they turn into big ones. Spring is the optimal time. 
  • Maintaining the landscaping around the outdoor unit.

For more information, check out our maintenance tips for air conditioners.

What to Do in a Summer HVAC Emergency

If, despite your best efforts, you find yourself without air conditioning during a heat wave, don’t panic. If this is the first time your air conditioner or heat pump has stopped cooling your home, we have some tips for handling a summer HVAC emergency.

  1. Protect the vulnerable.
  2. Schedule emergency HVAC repair.
  3. Try to keep cool.

Here are some details on each of those tips.

Tip #1: Protect the Vulnerable

If the temperature outside is soaring and your air conditioning system isn’t working, it can quickly impact the health of infants, the elderly, and people with respiratory conditions. Since repairs can take a while, ask a neighbor or trusted person if they can stay in their home until your system is working again.

Babies and young children don’t sweat as much as healthy teens and adults. This can affect their ability to cool down in extreme heat, leading to an increased body temperature. Elderly adults may have difficulty cooling down as well. They may have a chronic health condition or take a medication that can interfere with maintaining a safe body temperature.

For their health and safety, find an air-conditioned place for them to stay temporarily.

Tip #2: Schedule Emergency HVAC Repair

Whether your central air conditioning unit dies and you need emergency air conditioning repair or your heat pump is on the fritz and you need heat pump repair ASAP, call the HVAC company that normally services your HVAC system first. Many companies will put existing customers higher on the priority list.

If you have a vulnerable infant, adult, or someone else whose health would be negatively affected by the heat, tell the person taking your call. That might also help expedite repairs. It’s OK to call around to see who can get to your home the fastest. Look for companies who mention emergency HVAC services or 24/7 365 days a year repair service.

Tip #3: Keep Your Cool in a Summer HVAC Emergency

If your AC died in the middle of a heat wave, emergency AC repair can’t happen soon enough. Houses can heat up quickly once the air conditioning is off. After you’ve found somewhere cool for your elderly grandma or parent to stay, or found someone to care for your infant in a cooler environment, do some things to keep yourself cool while you wait.

  • Hydrate. Drink plenty of water and/or sports drinks - the colder the better.
  • Change clothes. Change into lightweight clothing such as workout gear or a swimsuit and coverup. Switch out shoes for sandals.
  • Use ice packs. You’re not injured, but those ice packs you keep in the freezer can help you stay cool. Wrap them or a baggie full of ice cubes in a towel. Place them under your arms, on your neck, and behind your knees. This will help you feel more comfortable.
  • Have some ice cream. If you have some ice cream or popsicles in the freezer, indulge. Eating frozen treats can also help you feel cooler.
  • Take a cold shower. If you have time before the HVAC technician is scheduled to arrive, of course.
  • Sit under a ceiling fan or next to a portable fan. While a fan won’t cool the temperature, the wind chill effect can help you feel cooler while you wait.

Be Prepared for the Repair or Replace Conversation

You won’t know what’s wrong with your air conditioner or heat pump until the HVAC technician arrives. If you’re lucky, it will be something simple like an AC capacitor that needs to be replaced. But if your system is older and close to reaching its life expectancy, it may be time to consider replacing the unit. 

The HVAC technician will go over the pros and cons of that. To be prepared for the conversation, read through our Repair or Replace Guide. Keep the calculator handy for when you get an estimate for repair costs.

Find Your Local Comfort Specialist

Find your local Trane dealer now to schedule emergency HVAC repair.

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