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Trane’s Best Thermostats

Learn about Trane’s best thermostats and how smart thermostats and programmable thermostats can help you increase your comfort and save on energy costs at the same time.

May 8, 2024

By Anne Fonda

The thermostat is the heart of your HVAC system. It tells the air conditioner when to start cooling and the furnace when to start heating. Of course, it tells your heat pump those things too. Whether you’re contemplating HVAC replacement or you need thermostat replacement because the old one finally gave out, we have solutions.

In this article, we will cover:

Let’s get started.

Why Choose Trane Thermostats

Trane is committed to providing homeowners with high-quality, reliable HVAC equipment using cutting-edge technology to deliver energy-efficient comfort. Our thermostats are among some of the highest-rated in the industry.

We have thermostats specifically designed to communicate with your Trane equipment as well as thermostats that are compatible with virtually all conventional AC/furnace, heat pump, and dual fuel systems. 

Advanced Features and Energy-Saving Capabilities 

Trane® thermostat technology takes home comfort and energy savings to the next level—which is why Trane earned a 5-star Smart Thermostat ranking in the 2022 America’s Most Trusted® Smart Thermostat Brand study. Trane also earned the 2024 America’s Most Trusted® HVAC Brand for overall quality and performance. This is the 10th year in a row that Trane has earned the title.

Homeowners trust that Trane equipment will deliver superior performance and reliability, and our thermostats are no exception. We’ve put together some information on our best thermostats. 

Best Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats, or Wi-Fi thermostats, connect to the internet via your Wi-Fi network or wired ethernet connection. They are fully programmable but go beyond that. With cloud-based technology, you can control your HVAC system through an app on your phone, from a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer anywhere, at any time.

Smart thermostats help you be more energy efficient in your heating and cooling as well. Some can even learn your habits and temperature preferences and independently establish a heating and cooling schedule for when you are home and awake, when you are sleeping, and when you are away. Utilizing temperature sensors and humidity sensors, they provide superior home comfort and control. 

Smart Thermostat #1: Trane Link® UX360

The Trane Link® UX360 is one of our best-selling models when people upgrade their HVAC system. Designed for communicating equipment, the UX360 communicates with the system controller, indoor furnace or air handler, and outdoor AC unit or heat pump to offer peak efficiency. Using the latest technology, this model puts comfort control in the palm of your hand. 

Features include:

  • Fully programmable 
  • Each day of the week can have a different schedule, maximum of 4 periods per day
  • One-touch presets
  • WiFi Connectivity
  • Compatible with Trane Link system components
  • Compatible with variable-speed cooling systems
  • SC360 System Controller is included to promote improved accuracy, self-configuration, enhanced maintenance of system operation, and more benefits.
  • Enhanced dehumidification
  • Allergy/Quick Clean Cycles
  • Large 7” full-color touchscreen
  • System alerts
  • Compatible with the Trane Home App
  • Runtime history
  • Trane Diagnostics
  • Trane Home Support
  • Automatic software updates - update all communicating equipment
  • Displays current weather stats or 5-day forecast
  • Displays weather alerts
  • Screen saver
  • Color themes

A top-of-the-line HVAC system deserves a superior smart thermostat. The UX360 delivers.

Smart Thermostat #2: Trane XL824

The Trane XL824 smart thermostat is one of our most popular models and it’s no wonder. Features include:

  • Fully programmable 
  • Each day of the week can have a different schedule, maximum of 4 periods per day
  • One-touch presets
  • WiFi or Ethernet Connectivity
  • Compatible with 2 cooling stages and 5 heating stages
  • 4.3” full-color touch screen
  • User Setup Wizard
  • System alerts
  • Can control up to 2 indoor air quality units (i.e. humidifier, whole-house air cleaner)
  • Compatible with the Trane Home App
  • Trane Diagnostics
  • Trane Home Support
  • Displays 5-day forecast
  • Displays weather alerts

With any smart thermostat, there will be a learning curve associated with programming it, enabling features, customizing it, and accessing system information. Your owner’s manual and Trane Home Support can help you resolve most issues you encounter.

The Trane Home App

A few words about the Trane Home App, which is a feature you can (and should) enable with your smart thermostat. When you download this easy-to-use app, you can adjust your temperature, set your schedule, and monitor your HVAC usage from virtually anywhere.

Connect with Alexa® or Google Home® to add voice control. If the house is crowded with guests and it’s getting hot and stuffy, simply tell your system to cool things down a bit. If the wind is howling and the temperatures are plummeting, tell the system to heat to a comfortable level.

Use your phone or your voice for complete comfort control without getting out of bed, leaving the couch, or even being at home.

Remote Monitoring and Trane Diagnostics

If you opt-in to remote diagnostics via the Trane Home App, your dealer can access your smart thermostat data to see what is going on with your HVAC system at any given time. You only need to do this once. It allows your dealer to spot a problem even if you’re not home to notice.

The dealer can see:

  • Temperature and humidity statistics
  •  How often your HVAC system has been running
  •  Your basic HVAC system settings such as schedule and configuration

Your dealer will also receive system alerts that cover anything from routine maintenance reminders to system malfunctions. If you opt-in to remote diagnostics, your dealer can troubleshoot the issue and can sometimes solve it remotely.

If your dealer can solve an issue remotely, they can request remote access to your thermostat. Remote access is separate from Trane Diagnostics, and you will have to grant or deny access each time. Access ends when the dealer has completed work.

At no time can the dealer see anything about other connected systems in your home.

Best Programmable Thermostats

The best programmable thermostats are easy to program and are more energy efficient than older non-programmable thermostats. No more toggling a lever or turning a dial to adjust the temperature. Set a heating and cooling schedule for your personal comfort level for weekdays, weekends, and nighttime. Set vacation mode for when you’re away.

Programmable Thermostat #1: Trane XR303 

The XR303 programmable thermostat helps you achieve temperature and humidity control with a simple-to-use interface. System reminders help you keep up with routine maintenance.

Features include:

  • Programmable for a 7-day or 5:1:1 schedule with different temperatures for the weekend
  • Programmable fan
  • Compatible with 3-stage heating and 2-stage cooling
  • Compatible with dual-fuel heating systems
  • Auto changeover between heating and cooling
  • Retains temperature settings
  • Automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings Time
  • Large 12 sq. in. color touchscreen
  • Removable screen for armchair programming
  • Humidifier control
  • System reminders for filter, humidifier, and UV lamp
  • Outdoor temperature display

Programmable Thermostat #2

The XR203 programmable thermostat has fewer features than the XR303, but it still offers comfort scheduling, potentially increased energy efficiency, and ease of use.

Features include:

  • 7-day programmable or 5-1-1 programmable
  • Compatible with 2-stage heating and 2-stage cooling
  • Auto changeover between heating and cooling
  • Retains temperature settings
  • 5 sq. in. display

If you don’t want all the bells and whistles but want a programmable thermostat to help you cut your energy costs, the XR203 model might be a good choice.

Best Non-Programmable Thermostat

The Trane XR103 is our best non-programmable thermostat. Features include:

  • Simple, easy-to-use interface
  • Compatible with single-stage cooling, 2-stage heating
  • 1.9” digital display

Non-programmable thermostats are ideal if you want full control of the temperature and/or prefer to have a constant temperature setting. They are very simple to use and even have a digital display so you can easily see the temperature in the room.

Thermostat Troubleshooting and Support

As with any new technology, there’s a learning curve. Your dealer will help set up the basics, while you then customize features to your home and your needs. The smart or programmable thermostat manual will have step-by-step directions for doing this.

We’ve also put together some thermostat troubleshooting tips to help you work through some common thermostat issues. If you don’t find the information you need there, you can also visit the Trane Home Support Center for further assistance.  

What Is the Best Thermostat to Buy for Your Home?

The best thermostat for your home is the one that has the features you want and will use, and that is compatible with your HVAC system.

If you’re opting for HVAC replacement soon and you’ve decided on a top-of-the-line system, get a top-of-the-line smart thermostat to achieve optimal efficiency and control. If you have an older system but would like to upgrade your thermostat, a touchscreen programmable thermostat might be all you want. 

Need help deciding? Not sure what’s compatible with your system? Contact your local Trane dealer for product recommendations and installation.

Anne Fonda, Content Writer


A Content Writer with Trane Technologies, Anne Fonda researches topics and writes for Trane® and associated residential HVAC brands. She works in collaboration with Trane Technologies subject matter experts, offering easy-to-understand, informative content on complex topics. Her goal is to help consumers make informed decisions on the products and services they need.

She has written for HVAC and other service provider websites for over 16 years. Before transitioning to web content writing, Anne had a 14-year stint as an award-winning journalist. She graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.

When she’s not working, Anne enjoys playing word games, reading, gardening, spending time with family, and visiting gardens and museums.

Expert review by Michael Morey, Smart Thermostat Product Manager

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