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What Does the R-22 Ban Mean for You and Your Cooling System?

Since January 1, 2020, R-22 or Freon® has been illegal to import or manufacture in the United States. Find out what you need to do if your heating and cooling system was made before 2010.

May 31, 2024

Freon®, or R-22, an older refrigerant, was commonly used in residential air conditioners over the past several decades. Now that it has been phased out, how does this affect you and your older air conditioner or heat pump? Here’s everything you need to know about the changing regulations and what you should do if you’re still using an R-22 HVAC system.

What is the R-22 phase-out?

In 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the production of any new systems that used R-22 refrigerant due to its harmful effects on the ozone layer. In addition, they mandated a complete ban on manufacturing or importing the chemical itself starting January 1, 2020.

What is R-22?

Freon is the common name for HCFC-22 and R-22 — the refrigerant that was standard in AC units until 2010. In a properly working unit, your Freon® level shouldn’t change. However, if a repair is needed and the refrigerant leaks, replacing this older refrigerant will be difficult and increasingly expensive.

What type of refrigerant is legal?

Since 2010, all newly manufactured Trane air conditioning units and heat pumps have used R-410A, which is more eco-friendly than R-22. But now, as part of ongoing improvements, new regulations, and concern for the environment, the HVAC industry is transitioning to even more sustainable refrigerants like R-454B

What does the R-22 phase-out mean for me?

It depends on how old your cooling system is and if it uses R-22 refrigerant. If your air conditioner or heat pump does, that means it was manufactured in 2009 or before. That also means it’s approaching the end of its life expectancy - the average lifespan of an AC unit or heat pump is 15 years. So, rather than continue to pay for repairs and expensive refrigerant, it may make sense to upgrade to a newer and more efficient system. 

How do I know if my air conditioner uses R-22?

If you’ve purchased a new HVAC system since 2010 it likely uses R-410A. However, if you have an older system, you can check your unit to find out what type of coolant it uses. Look for the sticker on the side, if it says “HCFC-22 or R-22” your system uses the older coolant that the EPA has banned.

I have an older air conditioner that uses R-22. Do I need to replace it?

Not immediately, but you should start planning for a heat pump or air conditioner replacement. Your Freon® levels should not change in a properly running system. However, if you have a leak or other issue, a replacement supply of R-22 will be hard to find and expensive. You may find that a newer heat pump or air conditioner makes more sense now and over time.

Can I swap out R-22 for an approved coolant in my unit?

You can’t simply swap out one refrigerant for another because they have different chemical properties and operate differently in HVAC systems. Talk to a Trane Comfort Specialist to discuss recommendations for your home. Browse our cooling units to see what the possibilities are for home comfort.

Expert review by Stacy Downie, Sustainability Solutions Marketing Manager, Marketing

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