VariTrane Duct Designer

VariTrane Duct Designer

VariTrane Duct Designer

VariTrane Duct Designer streamlines duct design and improves calculation precision, letting you optimize your designs while obtaining a minimum pressure system. VariTrane Duct Designer enables you to organize the layout structure of your duct system and provides detailed engineering information on a section-by-section basis making revisions and updates easier.

The software is based on engineering data and procedures outlined in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. It includes tested data from ASHRAE Fitting database and from United McGill to provide the most accurate modeling possible.


  • Improves calculation precision
  • Organizes and optimizes designs
  • Updates and revisions made simple

The VariTrane Duct Designer program consists of three applications


1. Duct Configurator

Helps you model and size supply duct systems.


2. Ductulator®

Quickly sizes system components and determines the appropriate nominal duct size for equal friction applications.


3. Fitting Loss Calculator

Quickly identifies the optimal fittings and sizes for each duct section by comparing their efficiency and cost.


Trial Download

  • Release Date: 05/27/20 Size: 215 MB

Full Version

  • Release Date: 05/27/20 Size: 215 MB

  • Release Date: 05/27/20 Size: 215 MB
