Non-Communicating Thermostats

Non-Communicating Thermostats
A full line of both programmable and non-programmable thermostats to fit most needs. Leveraging the intuitive user interface developed for our digital display sensor line, Trane® thermostats are easier to program and read. Universal graphics allow easy understanding and language independence. Thermostats are ideal for customers who desire a lower first cost and easy installation.

Additional Information
Non-Programmable Thermostats provide
consistent temperature 24/7 based on customer’s preferences.
- Thermostat, non-programmable, 1-heat/1-cool
- Thermostat, non-programmable, 3-heat/2-cool
Programmable Thermostats automatically control the temperature settings based on a predetermined schedule to reduce energy costs during unoccupied periods.
- Thermostat, programmable, 3-heat/2-cool
- Thermostat, programmable, touch screen, 3-heat/2-cool, dehumidification
Product Data Sheets
Product Data SheetBAS-PRC036-EN333KB