Comprehensive Chilled Water Systems

Comprehensive Chilled Water Systems

Comprehensive Chilled Water Systems

Comprehensive chilled-water systems employ best practices in chiller plant design that align with current industry guidance for achieving high performance cooling, heating, and ventilation, all while reducing first cost.

System Overview:
  • This system comprises one or more chillers, cooling tower(s), condenser-water pumps, chilled-water pumps, and load terminals served by control valves. 
  • Fixed- or variable-speed compressors and other components
  • Complies with or exceeding energy code minimum requirements
  • Provides centralized equipment for easier maintenance  
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Explore our System Benefits


State-of-the-Art Design

Comprehensive Chilled Water Systems leverage modern improvements in chiller efficiency and industry guidance for optimized flow rates and right-sized design of equipment, pipes, valves, water volume and building structure to unlock greater energy efficiency and cost savings. End result – a high-performing system that meets your requirements.

Ultimate Flexibility

Ultimate Flexibility

Every building is different and may include multiple types of air-side equipment: air-handlers, fan-coils, sensible-only terminals, dedicated outdoor air. Whether you have comfort or process loads or you need to have lowest first cost, or the lowest energy cost, or the right combination of the two, Trane collaborates with you to help you meet your requirements. Comprehensive Chilled Water Systems can be designed to grow and adapt to building and load changes over time and recover heat.

Sustained High Performance

Sustained High Performance

Industry best practices in chilled-water system design take advantage of the capabilities of the components. The Trane Comprehensive Chilled Water System does just that, unlocking system choices that deliver high performance without higher costs and that don't solely rely on control sequences for lasting results.

Ideal applications for the Comprehensive Chilled Water System include office towers and other large buildings, district energy or campuses, data centers, stadiums, airports and facilities that serve healthcare, higher education


Easy to understand controls

By judiciously applying advanced technology and controls, state-of-the-art doesn’t lead to high complexity or algorithms that are difficult to understand. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Trane delivers project-ready building automation designs and documentation and collaborates with you from design to implementation.

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