40-80 Tons

Modular Self Contained™


40-80 Tons

Modular Self Contained™

Key Features


  • Best choice for replacement and floor-to-floor applications
  • Most energy-efficient self-contained system available
  • Smallest footprint, easy to set up – within 24 hours
  • Engineered for modular simplicity
  • Easy, touch screen system management and connectivity
Sun lit house of an older origin, classical house in the centre of Lausanne, Switzerland, in a sunny late afternoon, bathing in the sun. Facade being sunlit

Switch to the best modular self-contained replacement system available

It’s no secret that older buildings often waste energy. The best solution is a more efficient HVAC system. The Trane Modular Self Contained (MSC) system is the most energy efficient and easy-to-install water-cooled system available. 

  • Available in 40 - 80 ton capacities
  • Perfect for replacement and floor-to-floor applications

Get industry-leading energy efficiency with Trane® MSC

How good? Trane MSC is 35% more energy efficient at full load (EER) compared to a typical 25-year-old unit, and delivers industry-leading part load performance (up to 20.8 IEER). Talk about a step up. System includes:

  • Variable speed compressors
  • ECM plenum fans
  • Double-wall foam panels
  • Trane UC600 controls

Designed for fast assembly – typically within 24 hours

Think building blocks. Key components of the system are in engineered cassettes for easy shipping and transport. Once everything arrives the system is assembled and commissioned in the mechanical room – fast. So the system can be back up and running within a 24-hour period.

  • Each cassette fits through standard doorways, freight elevators
  • Assembled system footprint is as small or smaller than existing unit footprint
  • Evaporator cassette breaks down to move coil and cabinet structure into building
builder in hardhat with tablet pc at construction

Trane pre-fab engineering is the key

The innovative cassette design offers the most adaptive self-contained footprint and breakdown available. Trane MSC cassettes are the smallest sections available in the industry for easy navigation through a building, incorporating many features for faster assembly:

  • Brazed circuit connections
  • Color-coded pluggable connectors
  • Self-leveling connectors
  • Victaulic® water pipe connectors
  • Ready-to-install wiring harnesses. 

BACnet-ready Trane UC600 digital controls provide easy set-up, scheduling and reporting

Trane MSC includes configurable and fully programmable Trane UC600 controls and the TD7  color display.  The display’s touch screen interface makes set up, scheduling and management of the Trane MSC system easy. Includes custom, diagnostics and service test mode menu keys. Connect to BAS with the open-standard BACnet MS/TP building automation.

Product Literature


Installation Instructions

Installation Operation Maintenance (IOMs)


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Rental Solutions

Our approach to temporary HVAC and power goes beyond the typical drop-off. We design, deliver, install and even monitor safe and efficient rental solutions. Short term, long term, chiller, generator, or portable AC unit, we have the fleet and people where and when you need them.

HVAC System Repair

HVAC System Repair

Our local, certified technicians get your system back up and running, fast

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