Outdoor Units
Outdoor units offer powerful performance, improved air quality and enhanced energy savings.
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Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric
Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric
The Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric Nv Series offers excellent efficiency and comfort control without major construction or remodeling. It's ideal for small spaces—from offices to retail shops—or the needs of a specific section in a larger building.
Only use the energy needed to precisely cool or heat a zone, saving on costs
Only condition spaces that require temperature adjustments
Decide each zone’s temperature, fan speed and air direction
Made with washable materials that boost indoor environmental quality (IEQ)
Provide on-demand warmth in climate conditions as low as -13 F
The Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric Nv Series includes a variety of outdoor and indoor unit options that can cater to new builds or replacement needs. Your local Trane team can help you get paired with the best one for your logistical needs and goals.
Outdoor units offer powerful performance, improved air quality and enhanced energy savings.
Explore Outdoor UnitsAll indoor unit models provide optimized comfort, quiet operation and easy maintenance. Ductless Units: Seamlessly integrate VRF into the layout of individual rooms or small building zones. Ducted Units: Discreetly incorporate VRF in interior layouts to support building spaces.
Explore Indoor UnitsExplore our full portfolio of high-efficiency VRF systems that are compatible with all types, sizes and ages of buildings.
From individual to integrated controls, we have a solution to optimally automate your VRF system design.
Horizon® Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems condition up to 100% of outdoor air year-round, reduce latent loads and maintain indoor air quality.
For technical documentation and IOMS for Trane® / Mitsubishi Electric VRF and Ductless products, please visit Trane.MyLinkDrive.com.