Is it time to replace your HVAC system? Here are some replacement options to consider.
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We'd love to learn more about your building, existing HVAC system and challenges. Whether you are looking to upgrade or replace, let our team of expert engineers and over 120 years of experience help you.
“The chillers were approaching obsolescence, the factory was no longer making parts, and we needed to improve the building’s energy efficiency,”
Learn about CenTraVac® Chiller Upgrades
Our centrifugal chillers have been manufactured since 1938. Did you know we have CenTraVac chillers installed today that are over 45 years old? Whether your CenTraVac chiller is 10 or 40, we have exclusive offerings, from overhaul services to controls upgrades, available to bring your chiller into the 21st century.
Learn about Series R® Chiller Upgrades
Series RTA A,B,C,D, or E – Oh my! From controls upgrades to starter and drive upgrades, we have solutions for over the life of your chiller. Whether your's is located outside or in your mechanical room, let us modernize your Series R chiller.
Learn about IntelliPak® Upgrades
Our IntelliPak units are not your average rooftop, so why just provide average service and maintenance? Our upgrades, including the Trane exclusive IntelliPak Refresh is tailored to meet the needs of your unit—from a compressor swap to a refrigerant conversion—let Trane help unleash the full potential of your installed IntelliPak.
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