Maximizing the Value of Healthcare Facilities: Resolving Challenges through Facilities and Emissions Reduction

Healthcare networks and hospitals face a multitude of challenges - from a shortage of providers and staff to mounting operating costs and increasingly stringent regulations on equity and care standards. Added to these industry-specific concerns are the demands to reduce emissions across facilities and operations. However, what if there is a hidden solution here? Join this podcast to discover how leveraging your facilities and financial incentives for emissions reduction can become a catalyst to address pressing healthcare priorities. Discover how this unique equation can unlock vital funds to support your mission and bottom line.

Podcast Details:

Date: August 5, 2024

Duration: 24 Minutes

Meet the Speakers


Christy Fetsch Healthcare Vertical Market Strategy Leader - North America

Christy Fetsch is a Certified Energy Manager and LEED Accredited Professional that has helped commercial and industrial facilities increase efficiency and profitability. Christy received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kentucky. She has performed many roles throughout her 17 year career with Trane, but found a niche serving Healthcare facilities. She used her talents to provide strategic energy management and enhanced physical environments to help Healthcare organizations realize savings, manage risk, and support their missions. Christy currently serves as Trane’s Healthcare Vertical Market Strategy Leader. In this role, Christy is responsible for development, communication, and execution of strategies to support Healthcare facilities across North America making healthcare facilities more reliable, resilient, sustainable and innovative.

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