The Building Blocks of Funding, Financing and Procurement for School Infrastructure Projects
Once-in-a-lifetime funding—through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and ESSER funds—is available to help schools bring modernization goals to fruition. Though every facility project may not qualify for these funds before they expire, alternative financing mechanisms are available and within reach. Sometimes it can take a little creativity to put together a comprehensive funding, financing and procurement strategy, and Trane can help.
Our expertise in this area can help you find the right set of resources to bring outdated school infrastructure up to date. From grant programs and tax or utility incentives, to best-value procurement methods, we can help you structure a funding program that maximizes savings and garners the greatest return on your investments.
Five School Improvements to Make Right Now
Goals related to capital improvements and facility upgrades.
- Improve educational outcomes
- Reduce absenteeism
- Spend less money
- Make sustainability a bigger priority
- Introduce more STEM learning (and make it more engaging)
Read full blog here.
Need the approval of your school board or taxpayers? We can help you build a solid case. For example, by upgrading equipment that’s long past its prime, schools can help prevent system failures that lead to missed school days, avoid classroom disruptions by scheduling the work during school calendar breaks and save money as the result of today’s higher energy efficiency ratings. Your goals and results may be different, but every infrastructure project delivers multiple benefits.
According to a 2020 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, 54 percent of U.S. school districts need to update or completely replace multiple building systems in their schools1. Today’s influx of funding aims to attack those numbers by prioritizing learning environments. As an energy company with expertise in project funding, financing and procurement, Trane can help take your schools out of that statistic.
1 U.S. Government Accountability Office, “K-12 Education: School Districts Frequently Identified Multiple Building Systems Needing Updates or Replacement” (Washington: 2020), available at https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-20-494.
Consult with your tax advisor about potential tax advantages.
Trane does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This material is for informational purposes only and it should not be relied on for tax, legal, or accounting advice. Tax law is subject to continual change. All decisions are your responsibility, and you should consult your own tax, legal, and accounting advisors. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on the material presented.