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Welcome to Cool Air, Hot Takes, the podcast that breaks down the biggest innovations in HVAC, energy, and building technology with bold opinions, and lots of hot takes.
Charlie: 00:00
I'm Charlie. And I'm Dan. Welcome to Cool Air Hot Takes, a new podcast from Trane where we take a look at the things that you should know from the world of HVAC.
Dan: 00:08
Whether you're designing and installing or teaching and learning, this is the place to be for the latest on HVAC.
Charlie: 00:16
And while Dan works on his raps, the rest of us know the world of energy is moving fast, but we got you covered.
Dan: 00:21
In addition to my rhymes, we wanna bring you the latest industry news
Charlie: 00:24
and give you a front row seat as we interview world class experts on everything from energy pricing
Dan: 00:29
to why is cement getting such a bad rap.
Charlie: 00:31
There'll be plenty of tips and tricks for all the latest tools
Dan: 00:34
and lots of hot takes. Like, we're all familiar with data centers. They put out a lot of heat. That heat will be worth more than $30,000,000,000 in the future.
Charlie: 00:43
And that's nothing compared to where the hydrogen market's gonna be.
Charlie: 00:47
So what are you waiting for? Search for cool air, hot takes, and follow wherever you get your podcasts.
Access the latest news, trends, product updates, training, and more, including the newest Cool Air, Hot Takes content straight to your inbox. We've got you covered.