2350 Fortune Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
859.514.7000 859.514.7000
Office Hours
8am-5pm, M-F
Air source boiler, modular chillers, active heat recovery, data center units and wall-mounted AC units
Boilers and water heating products
Coils and vertical integral face-and-bypass steam coils
Bard Climate Control Solutions
Air-to-air, water-to-water geothermal heat pump HVAC systems
Noise/vibration isolation solutions
UL listed packaged systems
HEPA air purifier - permanent, in-room ceiling mounted True HEPA air cleaner that aligns with ASHRAE and CDC recommendations
Custom air handlers
Energy recovery custom air handlers
Dedicated Outdoor Air Units, Curbs and Curb Adapters
Filtration solutions
Fan arrays for air handling units
Energy recovery units, adapters, economizers and concentric devices
Custom HVAC units, HVAC coatings, HVAC modifications and air turnover
Air-cooled water chillers, ductless split systems for commercial and residential air conditioning and heating needs
High temperature and high capacity heat recovery/heat pump chillers
Pool room, natatorium units
Heating, cooling and custom coils
Fixed-plate energy recovery units
Infrared heating solutions
Vertical stack fan coils
Hydronic and HVAC products
Custom roof curb manufacturer including roof curbs, insulated roof curbs and vibration isolation curbs
High-percentage outdoor air packaged rooftop ventilation systems