This is the login for Trane® Connect™ and other Trane® commercial applications. Trane® Connect™ is our secure, cloud-based customer portal to access your building systems to remotely monitor and manage building systems, and conduct routine maintenance.
Changing times call for renewed focus on energy efficiency
Businesses are restarting and ramping up. Yet nothing is the same as it was. Nearly every building’s energy profile has changed, due to new ASHRAE® IAQ guidelines along with social distancing practices affecting occupancy patterns, employee density and work schedules. Changes and modifications like these also can affect energy consumption—and that impacts the bottom line. Trane® Energy Checkup provides insights that can serve as the starting point for optimizing energy use and reducing energy costs, now and as customers face more changes in the months ahead. We are here to help.
Transform data into insights
As the adage goes, ‘You can’t manage what you can’t measure’. By visualizing energy use you can identify anomalies and drive towards operational efficiency. Optimize startup and shutdown time and ensure proper equipment scheduling, morning warm up and optimal stop. Or measure and verify new energy conservation measures against a baseline. Whatever your new game plan is, a Trane Energy Checkup can help you analyze where building assets are performing well and where improvement is needed.
Collaborate with the team that knows buildings
Trane has energy services expertise in all types of buildings, and a 100-year history of solving tough HVAC problems. Our Energy Checkup uses your utility interval data to look at pre and post-building operations and transforms the data into 3-D optical energy reports. Then we partner with you to pinpoint areas of inefficiency and discover opportunities to improve. So you can prepare your building today - and evolve if plans change tomorrow.
A typical Energy Checkup includes:
Data-driven, visual tools to measure and track energy consumption
Granular analysis of consumption patterns and energy costs over time
Actionable recommendations on how to adjust energy consumption to reduce energy costs, improve energy efficiency and drive sustainability
Trane Energy Optics: Improve your energy profile
Continue to meet sustainability targets
So much has changed about how your building is used. Previous settings that optimized energy efficiency may no longer be effective, and your building may be wasting energy in unanticipated ways. An Energy Checkup tracks and measures efficiency and sustainability progress. So you can get back on track. Trane is focused on helping our customers reducing carbon emissions globally, and we have an entire portfolio of products and services to do it. The world is our building. We’re all in it together.
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Ready for Now.
Resilient for Tomorrow.
These are uncertain times, and the implications for buildings will continue to evolve. Trane is keeping up with changing guidelines and regulations. We will continue to share new information and resources here.