Energize Denver ordinance

Navigating the Energize Denver Ordinance

Key information, timelines, and how Trane can support your journey toward compliance.

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Trane can help you with Energize Denver compliance.

What is Energize Denver?

The Energize Denver ordinance is a pivotal legislative initiative aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in Denver's larger buildings, specifically those with a total floor area of 25,000 square feet or more.

With commercial and industrial (C&I) buildings contributing to 49% of the city and county’s CO2 emissions, the ordinance sets ambitious short-term goals to reduce these buildings' energy use intensity (EUI) by 30% by 2030.

To achieve this, building owners and managers are mandated to annually measure and report their energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions, establishing a performance benchmark.

Updates to the local building code standards apply to newly constructed commercial buildings only. These include partial electrification requirements (most natural gas furnaces and water heaters will not be allowed) as well as solar and electric vehicle readiness. The new standards also incentivize all-electric construction.

Buildings of 25,000 square feet or larger will be required to submit energy benchmarking data. Benchmarking will be required for new construction after 12 months of operation. All retrofits must also adhere to emissions reporting rules.

Benchmarking must be verified by a third party referencing the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Data Verification Checklist before submission. Benchmarking reports are due each year on June 1, with the first reports due this year for calendar year 2023, though one-year extensions are permitted in some cases. Building owners can check their benchmarking status at

Trane is an authorized Energize Denver benchmarking services provider.

Buildings 25,000 sq.ft. or Larger

In general, commercial, municipal, and manufacturing buildings larger than 25,000 sq. ft. will be required to reduce site energy use intensity (EUI) by at least 30% by 2030. They must achieve certain scaling targets between 2024 and 2030 and comply with the 2022 green building ordinance's sustainable cool roof rules. Additionally, buildings 25,000 sq. ft. or larger must submit annual benchmarking data and meet specific energy efficiency requirements based on their building type.

Buildings 5,000 – 24,999 sq.ft.

All commercial, municipal, and manufacturing buildings between 5,000 and 24,999 square feet in size must upgrade 90% of their building’s total lighting load to LED lights. Further, on- or off-site renewable power generation must meet a minimum of 20% of the building’s annual site energy usage.

For new construction, BPS targets will be set within (6) months of receiving the first benchmarking report. Retrofits will require new targets to be set every 3 years.

Energize Denver compliance timeline

More detailed information on deadlines, requirements and exemptions can be found at Requirement timeline varies by building sector type. Building compliance will be assessed by the City of Denver in 2024, 2027 & 2030. Fines will be levied in each of these years if buildings are not in compliance. Note also that the State of Colorado will be introducing a new statewide building performance program for all buildings over 50,000 square feet starting in 2026 (details pending).

Energize Denver Compliance

How Trane can help your building reach compliance

Trane is dedicated to helping building owners comply with the Energize Denver initiative. We offer a range of energy services, including energy assessments/audits, formulating action plans, and implementing those plans. Our team can also act as a liaison between you and the City of Denver.

Here's how Trane can assist you:

  • Energy Assessments/Audits: We conduct thorough energy audits to identify cost-saving opportunities and areas for improvement.
  • Formulate Action Plans: Based on the audit results, we create tailored action plans to enhance your building's energy efficiency.
  • Implement Plans: We help you implement these plans using our innovative technologies and extensive experience.

Trane provides end-to-end support to help you meet performance requirements, whether it's heat electrification, benchmarking, or performance data collection and analytics. Our comprehensive solutions ensure you adhere to regulations while achieving long-term energy savings and reducing environmental impact.

You don't need to become an expert in decarbonization. Trane will handle the complexities, helping you navigate regulations, implement energy-efficient systems, and improve your building’s performance. We are committed to making buildings more comfortable and cost-effective now and for future generations.

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