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Proven applications automate critical plant functions.
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Included with Tracer® SC+
Start with the chiller plant you have—and make it better.
Tracer® chiller plant control introduces our best-practice plant programming—a professional approach that keeps your plant running reliably and efficiently day after day.
Inside today’s chiller plants, the lines are blurring between equipment and controls. While you expect it to be reliable and efficient, how your equipment performs depends heavily on the control system—and the operator’s skill set. With complex technologies and shifting decarbonization and optimization goals in play today, chiller plants are more complicated than ever. Programming a chiller plant has become a unique area of specialization, and the importance to do it right can be critical.
To avoid high energy costs and excessive emissions, optimization is also critical. Regardless of the age and equipment manufacturer, comfort systems, or process cooling, virtually every chiller plant can operate better under Trane’s expert guidance. Whether you want to improve the reliability or sustainability of your chiller plant, are struggling to operate with reduced staff, or need to get a better handle on energy cost management, Trane provides an easy, single-source solution to chiller plant control.
Trane’s chiller plant control is an application embedded within Tracer® SC+ that’s programmed to your building’s needs. Developed through years of experience and expertise in countless chiller plants all over the world, Trane’s chiller plant control utilizes manifested engineering sequences that are adapted to the needs of your building, strategically managing the rotation, staging and sequencing of multiple chillers.
This approach can help deliver the perfect balance of proven sequences with job-specific customization, ultimately delivering sustainable results well after the initial commissioning of the plant. As an equipment manufacturer, building controls company, and HVAC system expert, no one is more qualified than Trane to optimize chiller plant performance and provide the assurance of ongoing performance and benefits.
A comprehensive, single-solution approach to chiller plant optimization for enhanced reliability, sustainability, and energy cost management.
Proven applications automate critical plant functions.
Trane experts adjust sequences to serve your building’s unique needs.
Connected services maintain performance over time.
Tracer chiller plant control applications strategically manage the rotation, staging and sequencing of multiple chillers. Many functions are included and coordinated to maximize equipment life, optimize energy use and maintain comfort:
Engineered applications automate the implementation of ASHRAE 36 Guidelines for high-performance sequences of operation and programming logic for HVAC. This assures compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 minimum efficiency requirements. Chiller plant control follows ASHRAE Guideline 22 recommendations for monitoring chilled water plant efficiency.
The average commercial building wastes about a third of the energy it consumes.1 Chiller plant optimization can lower energy costs and reduce carbon emissions.
1 https://www.epa.gov/statelocalenergy/local-topics-energy-efficiency-non-governmental-buildings
How Standard Work and Pre-Engineered Systems Can Improve the Reliability of Chiller Plants
Brian Kirkman
Ask a Trane Expert: What is Really Influencing Equipment Controls Decisions?
Four Ways to Decarbonize with Chillers
5 Reasons Engineers Should Consider an Integrated VRF System With Tracer® SC+ Controls