Vision Conference 2022

May 2, 2022 - May 6, 2022

Trane has gathered our subject matter experts across the organization to bring you answers.

Operating buildings that serve people and care for the planet is the new reality. Building owners and operators are not only focused on making sure their buildings are safe for their occupants, they are also working towards ensuring that the actions they take are sustainable. The question however is:

  • What is that first step?
  • What design improvements should be considered?
  • What investments should be made to ensure a healthier and more energy-efficient building?
  • Is a net-zero building obtainable?
  • Are our buildings ready for our occupants and prepared for tomorrow?


Join us for the 2022 Vision Conference, a webinar series designed to demonstrate sustainable solutions you can implement today to achieve a healthier building for tomorrow. 


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What Does Cyber Security have to do with a Building Automation System (BAS)?

May 2, 2022 at 10:30 - 11:30 ET
Brian Meyers, Senior Product Manager, Trane Commercial North America

Building Automation Systems (BAS) provide significant value in connecting and automating a building and its components; however, anywhere you or your customers are connected can provide risk. There are simple and proactive measures you can take to improve your building’s cyber security. Our first session of the week will help you understand IT requirements that need to be proactively built into BAS specifications, show you how to specify the right products with cyber security considerations, review some best practices for BAS installation that can improve cyber security, and touch on the ongoing maintenance required to mitigate cyber security risk. 




Get Smart on How to use Energy Contracting to your School’s Advantage


Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Built Environment 

May 3, 2022 at 10:30 - 11:30 AM ET
Luis Rodrigues, Regional General Manager for Comprehensive Solutions, Trane Commercial in East Canada

Darryl Boyce, P. Eng., 2019-2020 ASHRAE President

Join us for a fireside chat providing an owner’s perspective on managing through conflicting priorities that facility executives face today and into the future. Luis Rodrigues and Darryl Boyce will discuss practical initiatives and strategies that can be implemented today to improve the built environment with the focus to make facilities better performing, sustainable and healthier now and into the future.



Get Smart on The State of the Schools: America's K–12 Facilities


Decarbonization Trends and Fundamentals

May 4th, 2022 at 10:30 - 11:30 AM ET
Charles Jelen, Decarbonization Program Manager, Trane Commercial North America

Decarbonizing buildings and facilities can fee complex and overwhelming, but it’s imperative that facility executives have a foundational understanding of how this trend is impacting HVAC overall. Join us to gain a broader understanding of the total landscape for lowering building emissions, understand how the overall design of a building impacts embodied carbon, and realize the flexibility and array of HVAC options for meeting building decarbonization goals. 



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Managing Indoor Spaces in a Variable Future

May 5, 2022, at 10:30 - 11:30 AM ET
Jeff Wiseman, Indoor Air Quality Portfolio Leader, Trane Commercial North America

Building owners and operators are having to adapt to rapidly changing requirements with regard to indoor air quality and trends in indoor environmental quality. Join us to learn how indoor environmental quality is expected to change, how buildings support healthier and optimized indoor experiences for the long term and about emerging technologies and standards that will factor into future designs. You will leave empowered with information to assist in making informed decisions about IAQ going forward. 



Get Smart on How to use Energy Contracting to your School’s Advantage


Intelligent Services: Digital Approach for Modern Customer Service 

May 6, 2022, at 10:30 AM ET
Peter Sharer | Intelligent Services Commercialization Leader

Making your facility more energy efficient is not the green choice, it's the smart financial play. But where do you start? Join us for a journey of modernization of the service world. Gain a deeper understanding of how you can use intelligent tools to monitor, track, predict and optimize your operation delivering improved building performance, sustainability and operating costs.



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2022 Vision Conference