Water-Cooled Oil-Free Magnetic Bearing Chillers
Water-Cooled Oil-Free Magnetic Bearing Chillers
- Water Cooled models from 60 to 600 tons, available with dual circuits
- Available with R-134a refrigerant with options for low GWP R-513A
Why Choose Oil-Free Magnetic Bearing Chillers
Driven by the ultra-quiet Turbocor® oil-free compressor, this chiller provides low sound and low maintenance costs.
Best-in-class performance
Achieve high performance with low sound while minimizing maintenance costs.
Significantly exceeds ASHRAE standard
Leveraging oil-free magnetic bearings with enhanced compressor speeds delivers amazing energy efficiency.
Installation Operation Maintenance (IOMs)
Packaged Water-Cooled Magnetic Bearing Chiller - Model TACWARTC-SVX014*-EN