Using Energy Savings Performance Contracting for Infrastructure and Sustainability Improvements
May 15, 2023
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Energy Savings Performance Contracting
When it comes to modernizing existing facilities, addressing deferred maintenance or working to achieve sustainability and decarbonization goals, an ESPC can ensure future-ready outcomes from the start.
A scalable, programmatic approach achieves more than piecemeal facility upgrades:
Press Release
December 12, 2024
Benefits / Outcomes
Optimizing your operations to use less energy can power better outcomes:
Proof Points
Trane energy savings performance contracts are already delivering more than $3.6 billion in guaranteed savings to customers—including schools, hospitals and government operations.
Trane is accredited by the National Association of Energy Services Companies (NAESCO) as an Energy Services Provider (ESP), a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-qualified Energy Services Company (ESCO) and a Canadian Federal Buildings Initiative qualified bidder.
GSA Region 2 Energy Savings Performance Contract
City of Bremerton Wastewater Treatment Plant
Lakota Wastewater Treatment Plant
Customer Story
Revolutionizing Efficiency: SCDOT Headquarters' Energy Transformation
The State of New Mexico’s “State Buildings Green Energy Project”
Customer Story
City of Claremont: Leading the Way to a Sustainable Future
Upgrading Learning Spaces: Clovis Unified's ESSER & Performance Contract Solution
Realize more energy-efficient, resilient and sustainable built environments in collaboration with Trane
May 15, 2023
Explore the best funding options for your goals—from grants and utility rebates to public and private partnerships
Address aging systems and deferred maintenance to support operations and building occupants
Translate sustainability priorities into actionable tactics and strategies to lower carbon emissions
Optimize building efficiency and reduce costs with consultative support
Validate your energy performance and how you understand its business and environmental impacts
Increase your buying power with better decision-making and more informed spending strategies