Trane Canada

Faites confiance à notre équipe locale de Kelowna pour vous offrir les bonnes solutions.

Adresse #3, 2260, chemin Hunter
Kelowna, Colombie-Britannique V1X 7L4

Téléphone (250) 862-4660 (250) 862-4660

Heures de bureau

Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h à 16 h 30 (HNP)

Week-ends et jours fériés : FERMÉ

Faites confiance à notre équipe locale au Canada pour vous fournir les bonnes solutions.  Nos capacités comprennent le CVC commercial :

  • Solutions de décarbonation
  • Qualité de l’air intérieur
  • Services et solutions énergétiques
  • Contractant
  • Contrôles et automatisation des bâtiments
  • Réparations et entretien
  • Systèmes
  • Location

Nous adoptons une approche créative pour chaque projet, en traitant chaque projet de manière unique afin de pouvoir collaborer pour comprendre les objectifs et les buts.  Trane produit des résultats - nous commençons dès le début et suivons le processus tout au long du processus.  De plus, nous gardons toujours à l’esprit la durabilité et l’efficacité énergétique. 

Trane fournit un service en dehors des heures d’ouverture. Si vous avez besoin d’un service Trane en dehors des heures normales de bureau, veuillez composer le : (250) 862-4660
Notre numéro de licence Technical Safety BC est LBP0002348.

Download National Line Card

Download National Line Card

Voir les produits affiliés de Kelowna

Need Service? Fill out our online service request form. 


Nous répondrons généralement à votre demande dans un délai d’un jour ouvrable. S’il s’agit d’une urgence, veuillez appeler au numéro ci-dessous.

Appelez-nous au (250) 862-4660

Efficiency and Reliability...Today and Into the Future

Trane Services

Through a consultative approach, we solve complex operations and energy challenges. We pair data with building and equipment expertise to deliver outcomes that unlock possibilities for businesses, communities and schools.

Explore Services


Wellsphere is Trane's holistic approach to building wellness. It's a multi-disciplinary collective of experts using world-class technologies and services to improve the viability of your building by helping optimize the well-being of the people inside it.

Learn About Wellsphere


Trane's decarbonization solutions combine our equipment, controls and services to achieve the goals you set. If you are just getting started or want to take advantage of the work you have already done, we can develop a plan to reach your targets.

Start Decarbonizing

Check out some of our solutions

Kinetic GPO

Together for better buildings!

Kinetic GPO gives you greater purchasing power to unleash the potential of your buildings with Trane Solutions. Group purchasing can put your best building within reach.


Dedicated Local LCUR Team

Need HVAC equipment now? Our local team of Light Commercial Unitary Replacement experts are on standby to support you...available inventory, fast quotes, quick replacement.

For a quick quote, email or call 833.446.3163.


HVAC Services

Our experts at Trane proactively manage your HVAC systems anytime, anywhere. By connecting building and machine data to deliver the knowledge and power you need for the results you want, our Wayform approach and knowledgeable people pinpoint your pathway to creating buildings that are reliable, comfortable and energy efficient.


Education and Training

Our training classes, Trane Engineers Newsletter Live series and continuing education courses are taught by experienced and knowledgeable instructors and address a variety of topics such as general air conditioning controls, building automation and system design. We offer on-site classroom training as well as interactive courses suited to a wide range of skills and expertise, from maintenance technicians through systems designers and engineers.

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